Thousand Dollar Thursday, A Grand New Deal Every Week

Sunday, September 6, 2015

A $50 Lesson

Subject: $50 Lesson
Recently, while I was working in the flower beds in the front yard, my neighbors stopped to chat as they returned home from walking their dog. During our friendly conversation, I asked their little girl what she wanted to be when she grew up. She said she wanted to be President someday.
Both of her parents, Democratic Party members, were standing there so I asked her, "If you were President what would be the first thing you would do?"  She replied... "I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people."
Her parents beamed with pride! "Wow...what a worthy goal!"
I said..."But you don't have to wait until you're President to do that!"  "What do you mean?" she replied. So I told her, "You can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds,
and trim my hedge and I'll pay you $50. Then you can go over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house." She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in the eye and asked, "Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50?" I said, "Welcome to the Republican Party." Her parents aren't speaking to me anymore.
Well worth the lesson however.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Too Much Talk

The market is so weird. There are opportunities everywhere. What is funny is to see the same (at least the vocation) pundits, corporate spokesmen, TV people, and others trying to make a name for themselves, saying the same old things. They are trying to sound so smart.
To me it is quite sickening. We’re in the market. They’re on the sidelines. I heard a good one: They’re “talking to their position.” That doesn’t necessarily mean a stock position as it could mean their point of view. I guess we all do that. But these guys and gals have billions of dollars riding on their every word.
The point is to be careful whom you let into your life to influence you.
Do you have my two new books? They are STOCK SPLITS and TURBO MONEY. Plus I wrote a report about my prison experience: TO PRISON AND BACK AGAIN. These are all free for a limited time. Go to and get your copies.

Friday, August 30, 2013

We've Moved

Hi there,

Thank you for your continued support! I have moved to a new blog! Please follow me at

You will find there our new experiment Turbo Money: 2 Years to retirement, and other things that might interest you!

Also take a look at the new and improved and get yourself the Free Special Report!

See you on the other side.


Friday, February 8, 2013

Thoughts on the Economy

Hi to all of my friends,

I'm back in Oregon, serving the last part of my GSS, Government Sponsored Sabbatical. I haven't written to many political things lately. The election was a downer. I see our country being taken in directions that are so destructive. I see this clearly.

They say that numbers should talk to us. Sometimes they do. Sometimes they sing a happy tune. Sometimes, like now, they scream.

The following is a grouping of numbers, associated with the last four years of this administration. You may wonder who supplied these. Well, it's the administration's own BLS, Bureau of Labor Statistics. These numbers do tell a very sad story. It's now funny to hear the people in DC, one in particular, lie through his teeth. I'll end this with a few of those lies.

These numbers are a comparison of facts on the day President Obama took office and what they are now. You'll be able to draw your own conclusions.
On Inauguration Day, 2009:
  • There were 134,379,000 people with jobs. Unemployment rate was 7.3%  Now there are 134,021,000. Unemployment rate is 7.8%. It just ticked up to 7.9% last week.
Quick note: The administration last week touted the fact that 137,000 new jobs were created. They did not mention that 159,000 people totally dropped out of the labor force, not being able to find a job. Neither did they mention that 379,000 new people filed for unemployment.

  • In January of 2009 there were 32,200,000 people on Food Stamps. Now there are 47,500,000.
They sure hate it when anyone calls him the Food Stamp President, saying it's racist, though most of these people are white.

  • In 2009 the poverty rate was 13.2%, today it's 15%.
  • Residential Real Estate is down nationwide on average about 40%, more in some areas.
  • In 2009 the Social Security Administration Trustees said the Trust Fund will be broke in 2041. Now they say that it will be broke in 2037, Also that Medicare Hospital Fund will be exhausted in 2021.
  • In 2009 the national debt was $10,637,000,000,000, or $34,782 for every man, woman and child in the country. Today we're $16,435,000,000,000, or $52,139 for every person.
  • The public debt was 40.8% of GDP, Gross Domestic Product. GDP is the sum of all goods and services produced in this country.  Today the public debt is 72.8%, and the CBO (Congressional Budget Office), says it will hit 76% this year.
This is not healthy. It means the government is using more and more of every dollar in the economy. They do not have money to give away unless the take it first or borrow it. Today, they are borrowing 46 cents on every dollar they spend.

Years ago, Margaret Thatcher said: "Liberalism always fails, because sooner or later they run out of other's people's money"

  • In 2009 the median family income was $51,190, today it's $50,054.
Note: Household income decreased more in this so-called recovery than in the
so-called Bush Recession.

  • And High Schools and Colleges keep graduating people, and everyone keep getting older, millions entering th workforce. There are 8,600,000 more people in the workforce, and a huge percentage cannot find work.
Note: They need to come to my seminars or read my books. Go to and sign the guest register and we'll notify you when the next cash flow money machine is ready to launch.

Since the beginning of this administration, Economic Growth has been .04%. It was 1.6% in the previous ten years. It was 2.6% in the previous twenty years, and 3.2% since WWII. Last week they said the GDP contracted (Shrunk) .01% for the last Quarter of last year. And they call this a recovery. One more quarter of contraction and we're officially in a recesion. Those of us that study these numbers and events know we've been in a recession for a long time.

In 2008 Revenue was $2,524,000,000,000. This fiscal year it is $2,913,000,000,000. Oh, the budget is about $3.7 trillion, chalking up another huge deficit.

Bobby Jindal said:  we have the "RIGHT TO RISE."

I agree. These numbers are sickening. And they are so predictable. You can see the catastrophe coming, and it's not coming in slow motion anymore. We all have to do our own part and not be part of this slow-down. We need to do more, be more and accomplish more. Just choose not to participate in this bad economy. Create your own Stimulus Package.

I'll see what I can do to help.

Check out my new configuration of updated and edited E-Manuals and E-Books.
At least get the Special Report while you're there. It's called:

God Bless you all to prosper in the coming year.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

More Thoughts

Hello my friends, I'm starting to get over the disappointment and sheer distate for the election results. Over the last little while I've continued to read and mark down thoughts. Here are a few:

Rich Karlgaard said this about the future: " . . . if the economy is thwarted by high taxes and complex regulation--- then welcome to the new normal of 2% annual growth."

Earlier this year there was an editorial in the WSJ about the Dodd-Frank monstrosity. Said they: "taxpayers must be thrilled to know that 2,300 pages of Dodd-Frank have succeeded in codifying and enhancing the ability of regulators to exercise their own own discretion based on gut instinct."
My thoughts are that Dodd-Frank is far more dangerous to our society, our economy and our freedoms than ObamaCare. And that's saying a lot.
"Economic liberty is tied to political liberty." ~~Mark Levin

More later.
I'd love to hear from you.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Election Night 2012

Hello my friends,
I'm sitting here on election night. I sure do love this country. It is so disappointing to see what is happening.

Here's a quote from long ago. "The punishment which the wise suffer who refuse to take part in the government, is to live under the government of worse men." ~~Plato

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Abundance, Scarcity and Fairness

I was listening to the results of a poll/survey the other day. The question was asked:
"If an employee works harder and longer than others should he be paid more money?"
A good question.
88% of Republicans said yes.
32% of Democrats said yes.
I don't know if there was another part to this. This is telling. So, I thought I'd ask Ds & Rs here. I got about the same results.
Then m'thoughts, what if the query was slightly different? I changed it to this: "If you work longer and harder than others, should you be paid more?
The overwhelming response was yes. In fact, not one person answered no.

I also want to add that it amazes me that Liberals will curtail or destroy the chances of millions so long as a few don't make it bigtime. So many people live a life of scarcity, which is a failed policy. There is no credible evidence of a law of scarcity. We can and should live a life of abundance.
Do you know the word "multiply" is used more times in the Bible than the word "add?" God's love is a love of abundance, even when we don't deserve it.
I wrote extensively on this topic in: BUSINESS BUY THE BIBLE. I hope you have a chance of readng it.
Intellectual food for thought.
You Friendly Enigmatist,